Home & Foreign Missions
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” – Matthew 28:19

The Home (Local) Missions Ministry consists of eleven (11) outreach entities that seek to compassionately share the Gospel message and God’s love through a “wholistic” approach to serving others in the Greater Los Angeles area. Outreach entities include: The Community Pre-Thanksgiving Luncheon & Fellowship, Convalescent Home Ministry, Drug Rehabilitation Ministry, Juvenile Hall Ministry, Meals for Missions, Monthly Community Feeding, Sick & Shut-in Communion Outreach, Skid Row Ministry, Street Witnessing Ministry, Annual Toy Giveaway and the Women’s Transition Home Ministry.
The Foreign Missions Ministry uses culturally-appropriate and relevant methods to share the Gospel message in various countries around the world. Our Foreign Missions Team also seeks to authentically demonstrate God’s love by providing humanitarian relief to individuals, children and families experiencing hardship in countries devastated by natural disasters and/or poverty.